student management system project in data structure with source code | insert, display, update, delete, search | projects of data structure

 School Management System (Student Record)

Project (Explanation):

We make this project with help of singly linkl ist. In singly link list we move forward ,so we insert data in different nodes with the help of ptr in forward movement. 

1: Insert Record:

You can insert unlimited student data with the help of link-list. 

2: Delete Record:

You can delete any student data with the help of his roll number.

3: Modify Record:

You can modify any student data with the help of his roll number. 

4: Search Record:

You can search any student data with the help of his roll number. 

5: Display Record:

You can display all students data. 

6: Sum of Student(sum of nodes):

You can count number of students or number of nodes present in link list. 

some output of project:

Front output:

Insert Record:
Display Record:
Search Record:
 Delete Record:
Sum of Student(sum of nodes):

Code of project:

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
class linklist
    struct node
        string name, id, roll_no, cgpa, classs;
        node *link;
    node *head = NULL;

    int insertnode(string n, string clas, string roll, string i, string cgpa)
        node *ptr = new node;
        ptr->name = n;
        ptr->classs = clas;
        ptr->roll_no = roll;
        ptr->id = i;
        ptr->cgpa = cgpa;
        ptr->link = NULL;
        if (head == NULL)
            head = ptr;
            node *temp = head;
            while (temp->link != NULL)
                temp = temp->link;
            temp->link = ptr;
    int display()
        int i = 0;
        if (head == NULL)
            cout << "\n\t\t_______||| Linklist is empty || | _______\n\n\n ";
            cout << "\t\t\t * ************************************ \t\t\t "<<endl;
                 << "\t\t\t*****All Data of Student****\t\t\t" << endl;
            cout << "\t\t\t*************************************\t\t\t "<<endl<<endl;
                node *temp = head;
            while (temp != NULL)
                cout << "Record of Student : " << i + 1 << endl
                     << endl;
                cout << "Name ofStudent "<<" :\t "<<temp->name<<endl;
                    cout<< "Class of student "<<" :\t "<<temp->classs<<endl;
                    cout<< "Roll no of student"<< " : "<< temp->roll_no<< endl;
                cout << "Id of student\t "<<" :\t "<<temp->id<<endl;
                    cout<< "Cgpa ofstudent "<<" :\t "<<temp->cgpa<<endl;
                    temp = temp->link;
    int deletee()
        string a;
        int count = 0;
        if (head == NULL)
            cout << endl
                 << "\t\t_______||| Linklist is empty|| | _______\n\n "<<endl;
            cout << "\t\t\t * ************************************ \t\t\t "<<endl;
                                         cout<< "\t\t\t*****Delete any record ofstudent ***\t\t\t "<<endl;
                         cout<< "\t\t\t*************************************\t\t\t "<<endl<<endl;
                cout<< endl<< "Enter the Roll No of Student : ";
            cin >> a;
            if (a == head->roll_no)
                node *ptr = head;
                head = ptr->link;
                delete ptr;
                node *prev = head;
                node *ptr = head->link;
                while (ptr != NULL)
                    if (a == ptr->roll_no)
                        prev->link = ptr->link;
                        cout << endl
                             << "\n\n\t\t\tData OF student " << ptr->name << " Is Deleted" << endl;
                        delete ptr;
                    prev = ptr;
                    ptr = ptr->link;
            if (count == 0)
                cout << endl<< "\t\t\t______!!! Student recordnot found !!!________ "<<endl;
    int search()
        string a;
        int count = 0;
        int found = 1;
        if (head == NULL)
            cout << endl<< "\t\t_______||| Linklist is empty || | _______\n\n "<<endl;
            cout << "\t\t\t * ************************************ \t\t\t "<<endl;
                                         cout<< "\t\t\t*****Search record of Student ***\t\t\t "<<endl;
										 cout<<"\t\t\t * ************************************\t\t\t "<<endl<<endl;
                                        cout<< " Enter Roll No For searching Data Of Student : ";
                              cin >>a;
            node *ptr = head;
            while (ptr != NULL)
                if (a == ptr->roll_no)
                    cout << "Name of Student "<<" :\t "<<ptr->name<<endl;
                        cout<< "Class of student "<<" :\t "<<ptr->classs<<endl;
                        cout<< "Roll no of student"<< " : "<< ptr->roll_no<< endl;
                    cout << "Id of student\t "<<" :\t "<<ptr->id<<endl;
                        cout<< "Cgpa of student "<<" :\t "<<ptr->cgpa<<endl;
                ptr = ptr->link;
                found++; //ya found hm srf node ki position btany k li ha;
            if (count == 0)
                cout << endl<< "\t\t\t______!!! Student record not found !!!________ "<<endl;
    int update()
        string a;
        string nam, i, roll, cgpa, clas;
        int count = 0;
        int found = 1;
        if (head == NULL)
            cout << endl<< "\t\t_______||| Linklist is empty|| | _______\n\n "<<endl;}
                cout << "\t\t\t * ************************************ \t\t\t "<<endl;
                cout<< "\t\t\t*****Update record of Student ****\t\t\t "<<endl;
                cout<< "\t\t\t*************************************\t\t\t "<<endl<<endl;
                cout<< "enter value of node for update : ";
                cin >> a;
                node *ptr = head;
                while (ptr != NULL)
                    if (a == ptr->roll_no)
                        cout << endl<< "value for update is found : " << a << " at node " << found << endl;
                        cout << "\nEnter the name of student : ";
                        cin >> nam;
                        cout << endl
                             << endl
                             << "Enter the class : ";
                        cin >> clas;
                        cout << endl
                             << endl
                             << "Enter the Roll no : ";
                        cin >> roll;
                        cout << endl
                             << endl
                             << "Enter the cgpa : ";
                        cin >> cgpa;
                        cout << endl
                             << endl
                             << "Enter the ID : ";
                        cin >> i;
                        ptr->name = nam;
                        ptr->roll_no = roll;
                        ptr->classs = clas;
                        ptr->cgpa = cgpa;
                        ptr->id = i;
                        cout << endl<< "_______||| Record is updated ||| _______ : "<<endl<<endl;
                    ptr = ptr->link;
                    found++; //ya found hm srf node ki position btany k li ha;
                if (count == 0)
                    cout << endl<< "\t\t\t______!!! Student record not found !!!________ "<<endl;
        int sum()
            int a;
            int sum = 0;
            if (head == NULL)
                cout << endl<< "\t\t_______||| Linklist is empty|| | _______ "<<endl;
                node *ptr = head;
                while (ptr != NULL)
                    sum = sum + 1;
                    ptr = ptr->link;
                cout << "\t\t\t * ************************************ \t\t\t "<<endl;
                cout<< "\t\t\t*****Total Data of Student ****\t\t\t "<<endl;
                cout<< "\t\t\t*************************************\t\t\t "<<endl<<endl;
                        cout<< endl<< "\t\t _____||| Total no.of nodes in linklist are : "<<sum<<" ||| _____ "<<endl;
    int main()
        linklist l;
        string name, clas, roll, cgpa, i;
        int choice, key;
        cout << "\t\t \t*********************************\t\t\t "<<endl;
        cout<< "\t\t\t****STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM****\t\t\t "<<endl;cout<<"\t\t\t * ********************************\t\t\t "<<endl<<endl<<endl;
        cout<< "\t\t _______||| Project is Submitted By|| | ______ "<<endl<<endl;
        cout<< "\t\t\t\tUsama abubakar 068\n\t\t\t\tMuhammad Amir 053\n\t\t\t\tMuhammad Bilal 089 "<<endl;
        cout<< "\n\tPress any key to continue...!!!" << endl;
        cin >> key;
        cout << "\n\n\n\t\t\t--->Press '1' To add Record:" << endl;
        cout << "\t\t\t--->Press '2' To Display Record:" << endl;
        cout << "\t\t\t--->Press '3' To Search Record:" << endl;
        cout << "\t\t\t--->Press '4' To Modify Record:" << endl;
        cout << "\t\t\t--->Press '5' To Delete Record:" << endl;
        cout << "\t\t\t--->Press '6' To count all Record:" << endl;
        cin >> choice;
        switch (choice)
        case 1:
            cout << "\t\t\t * ************************************ \t\t\t "<<endl;
            cout<< "\t\t\t*****Insert the record of student ****\t\t\t "<<endl;
            cout<< "\t\t\t*************************************\t\t\t "<<endl<<endl;
                 << "Enter the name of student : ";
            cin >> name;
            cout << endl
                 << "Enter the class : ";
            cin >> clas;
            cout << endl
                 << "Enter the Roll no : ";
            cin >> roll;
            cout << endl
                 << "Enter the cgpa of Student : ";
            cin >> cgpa;
            cout << endl
                 << "Enter the ID : ";
            cin >> i;
            l.insertnode(name, clas, roll, cgpa, i);
            goto loop;
        case 2:
            goto loop;
        case 3:
            goto loop;
        case 4:
            goto loop;
            goto loop;
        case 5:
            goto loop;
        case 6:
            goto loop;
            cout << "\n\nYou enter wrong key... !!!!"<<endl;goto loop;

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